All about spirituality

The neverending physical and emotional turmoil in life makes all of us disgusted and dissatisfied with it. The basic instinct of life is pleasure. There are glimpses of happiness scattered through life. But, the permanent State of happiness eludes everyone. We engage in all types of activities, money, power, position, sensual pleasures, adventures... and so on to find this sense of pleasure in our lives. But, it results only in a mixture of pains and pleasures. Our ego pushes us to struggle to overcome episodes of pain in our lives. We devise new means, rules, and technologies. But only see exponential growth in pains along with pleasure. The struggle never ends. The pains never end. The duality of pains and pleasures continues. We experience the pains and pleasures at the body, mind, and intellect levels. It's these three entities that you consider being "Me" and the things associated with these as "Mine". The body is the only means of perception and actio...