
Anahata Chakra


Anahata chakra

Anahata Chakra


The Anahata Chakra is next upwards to the Manipura Chakra.


It’s derived from “An” (Without) and “Ahata” (Striking). It is also called Heart Chakra. It symbolizes infinite love.  It is located on the fourth rung in the Kundalini ascension path of six chakras (seventh being the destination).


This chakra is associated with the manifestation of the boundless love of divine love.  A person’s social identity and traits like wisdom, compassion, trust, forgiveness, unconditional love, are related to this chakra. It deals with the issues of the soul.

The functioning of the organs in the chest region thymus gland, heart, rib cage, shoulders, arms, hands blood, circulatory system, lungs and diaphragm, breasts, esophagus comes under the purview of Anahata Chakra.

An imbalance here can cause issues related to asthma, heart conditions, the thoracic region of the spine, upper back and shoulder problems, breathing problems, and lung diseases.

It's related to conscious desires and drives for creativity.

Perfection of this chakra endows one with certain psychic powers and Sidhis e.g.  he is adored by women, ability to leave and enter the body at will.

Details of Anahata Chakra :


Beej (seed) Mantra: YAM


Color:  Green


Location:   At the level of Solar Plexus


Lotus Petals: Twelve


God/Goddess: Kakini


Element: Air


Planet:  Venus


Organ of perception: Skin (touch)


Organ of Action: Arms


Taste: Sweet


Prana Type: Pana or Prana


Body Organ: Arteries and Veins


Endocrine Gland: Thymus


Body Fluid: Sweat


Body System: Circulatory System


Plane: Mahar-Loka


Passion: Moha ( emotional attachments)


Tendency:   Creativity



Characteristics of imbalanced Anahata Chakra :


1.Lack of  compassion


2. Fluctuating Moods


3. Inability to relate emotionally and with love


4. Worries


6. Lack of hope


7. Despair


8. Vanity


9. Depression


10. Selfishness


11. Timidness


12. Discernment


13. Problems in the Heart and Lungs


14. Inability to be creative


15. Asthma


16. Stroke


18. Respiratory Problems


19. Aloofness


20. Emotions-related illnesses



Characteristics of balanced Anahata Chakra :


1. Creative


2. Energetic


3. Joyful nature


4. Health Heart


5. Emotional nature


6. Blissful


7. Compassionate


8. Poetic or Artistic Nature


9. Benevolent nature






12.Soft spoken


13.Warm and empathetic nature



Recommended Asanas for balancing Anahata Chakra :


1. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)


2. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)


4. Anulom- Vilom Pranayama


5. Bhastrika Pranayama


6. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


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