Muladhara Chakra
Muladhara Chakra
The process of spiritual awakening begins here. This is
the last chakra of evolution for other animal life forms. But for humans, it is the
first chakra in the sequence of seven chakras culminating into Sahasrara Chakra.
This chakra is associated with all that is fundamental to
our life. The issue of physiological security are governed by this chakra. Issues
related to securities of nourishment, job/ occupation, finance, health, and
shelter belong to this chakra.
Details of Muladhara Chakra :
Beej (seed) Mantra: LAM
Color: Red
Location: Perineum, Between anus and base of sex organs
Lotus Petals: Four
God/Goddess: Dakini
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Organ of perception: Nose (smell)
Organ of Action: Anas/ Guda
Taste: Bitter
Prana Type: Apana
Body Organ: Feet/ Bones
Endocrine Gland: Testes/Ovaries
Body Fluid: Sexual fluids
Body System: Skeletal and Muscular System
Plane: Bhuloka
Passion: Sex
Tendency: Laziness
Charcteristics of imbalanced Muladhara Chakra :
1. Fears
2. Low self-esteem
3. Possessiveness
4. Anger
5. Insecurity
6. Desire for comforts
7. Lethargy
8. Prostate problems
9. Lower back problems
10. Sciatica
11. Inability to connect with others
12. Depression.
Charcteristics of balanced Muladhara Chakra :
1. Feeling grounded
2. Confidence
3. Vitality
4. Financial security
5. Good digestion
6. Good health
7. Healthy food habits.
Recommended Asanas for balancing Muladhara chakra :
1. Sukhasana
2. Virbhadrasana
3. Surya Namaskar
4. Parvatasana
5. Uttanasana
6. Malasana
7. Anjaneyasana
8. Balasana
9. Setubandhasana
10. Shavasana
Nice @ accurate knowledge