
Swadhisthan Chakra

  Swadhisthan Chakra

Svadhisthan Chakra

The Swadhisthan Chakra is next upwards from Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra).

It’s derived from “Swa” (self) and “Adhisthana”( abode) meaning a place where the self is established or at home. In fact , this is the natural location for the Kundalini.

The process of spiritual awakening  reaches next stage here. But for humans, it is the second chakra in the sequence of seven chakras culminating into Sahasrara Chakra.

This chakra is associated with the manifestation of desires, and passion of our life. The issues related to pleasures in life, libido, intimacy, warmth in relations, vitality, enthusiasm are governed by this chakra. It's related to unconscious desires mainly for sex and parenthood and our social needs.

Mastering this chakra leads to attaining certain Siddhis: absence of fear of water, ability to walk on water, ability to taste any desired thing by himself/others.


Details of Swadhisthan Chakra :


Beej (seed) Mantra:          VAM

Color:                                    Orange

Location:     Just above the Muladhara Chakra/sex organs

Lotus Petals:                         Six

God/Goddess:                      Rakini

Element:                                Water

 Planet:                                  Jupiter

Organ of perception:           Tongue (taste)

Organ of Action:                  Sex organs

Taste:                                    Salty

Prana Type:                          Apana

Body Organ:                         Muscles

Endocrine Gland:                 Adrenal Glands

Body Fluid:                           Urine

Body System:                      Reproductive and Urinary System

Plane:                                    Bhuvarloka

Passion:                                Anger

Tendency:                             Laziness


Characteristics of Imbalanced Swadhisthan Chakra :


1. Addictions/ pleasure-seeking in shopping, gambling, work, alcohol, movies, clubs, food, etc.

2.  Low libido/ sexual obsession

3. Lower back pain

4. Menstrual problems

5. Sciatica/ Pelvic pain

6. Lack of creativity

7. Poor social skills

8. Urinary problems

9. Emotional hypersensitivity/ detachment

10. Low Immunity

11. Fatigue

12. Irritability

13. Lack of desire, passion, or excitement

14. Feeling of guilt

15. Tendency to blame,

16. Shyness


Characteristics of Balanced Swadhisthan  Chakra :


1. Creative and self-expressive 

2. Healthy sense of self-esteem

3. Creativity

4. Vitality

5. Nonjudgmental

6. Feeling emotionally secure and balanced

7. Good sense of humor

8. Loving and nurturing to self/others

9. Easy going

10. Sociable/ friendly,

11. Joyous/ lively

12. Sense of belonging

13. Sense of well-being

14. Committed

15. Open to intimacy

16. Depth of feeling and able to express them

17. Healthy sexuality

18. Ability to take reasonable risks

19. Energetic

20. Compassionate/ friendliness

21. Sense of belongingness

22. Enthusiasm for life

23. Intuitiveness


Recommended Asanas for Balancing Swadhisthan Chakra :


1. Bhujangāsana

2. Sūrya Namaskāra

3. Yoga Mudrā

4. Setu Āsana

5. Shalabhāsana

6. Chakrāsana

7. Skandharāsana

8. Mrigāsana

9. Dhanurāsana


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