Manipura Chakra

The Manipura Chakra is next upwards to the Swadhisthana Chakra . It’s derived from “Mani” (Jewel) and “Pura”(Palace) meaning a palace where the jewel of consciousness is established. It is located midway (third) in the Kundalini ascension path of six chakras (seventh being the destination). This chakra is associated with the manifestation of self-confidence, Self-esteem, Physical & Mental well-being, Balance, and Stability. This is the place from where the body gets all the energy through the digestive process. Issues related to all-around prosperity, achievements in the outer world, rage, confidence to face challenges, are governed by this chakra. It's related to conscious desires and drives for self-actualization. This is the seat of Lord Vishnu who nourishes and sustains the creation. It’s also the original place for all the ten Pranas (five main Prana and five Sub-Prana) Mastering this chakra leads to attaining certain S...